This sexual drive or polarization of male and female also exists within each man and each woman as we all have hormones and

traits of the opposite sex within us. If you will agree with this, then it is natural that this male and female within us is also seek- ing union. All the male has to do is to give life to this female existing within and suddenly life becomes complete.

It was when I gave life to this feminine side of mine that I dis- covered that I had two entirely different personalities. One was pursuing normal masculine activities and the other was a lovely feminine person who had an appreciation of beautiful things. I realized that wearing lingerie and dresses was only a part of my feminine personality. Regardless of what I may be doing or what I am wearing, this feminine self which I have named Doris Louise is always at my side. Since I've given her life, Doris never all- ows me to be lonely and is my constant companion. What seems to make this possible is the love that exists within us and the complete harmony we have suddenly reached with the world around


One thing of which I'm completely convinced is that love is the only answer to the problems of life and the key to happiness. Since I've discovered my feminine self and have completely acc- epted her without guilt, I'm extremely happy. I not only have a complete love affair existing within, I've become a very loving person externally. My love for my fellow man has increased to a point far in excess of what I had ever thought possible.

Naturally I'm looking forward to returning to the land of pretty lingerie and dresses but in the meantime I'm sure Doris and I will continue to be happy making the best of our situation. We are both hoping someday that we will have the opportunity to meet some of the girls that we have read about within the pages of Transvestia. In the meantime, lots of love to you all,

Doris Louise
